Ch Cavu Camri Black n White Nite x Ch Bijan Bittersweet Surrender

Born 9/16/04


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Absolut Ciera Mount'n Sienna -Sienna
Owned by Brigitte Kroll, Vicki & Gail Kramer - Pointed and BOB from the puppy classes!

Absolut-Lee Cavu - Leo
Owned by Gail Kramer, Vicki, and Betsy Hugnagel -Both majors at 10 mos of age!

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Ch Absolut Flirtini - Flirt
Owned by Absolut/ lives with Dallas
9 points, both majors, two BOB over Specials, all in one weekend!

Absolut Wild Brew Yonder - Piper
Owned by Robin Aeseby and Vicki  Major pointed, and a multi Best In Sweepstakes winner at 10 mos of age!

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Absolut Fellowship -Frodo
Owned by Donna Williams

Owned by Sue Etherington & Vicki

Ch Cavu Camri Black n White Nite x Ch Lyrix Mystic Mynx

Born 9/28/04

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Ch Absolut Joy Ride - Limo
Owned by Absolut and lives with Vicki - Limo's show career really took off this summer! He finished with FIVE MAJORS at 11 months of age! He is shown here winning a Hound Group First at Cheyenne KC and Best In Sweepstakes at the Denver Specialty! Limo is now living with his Uncle Tyler at Liz Snyder's house!

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Absolut Temptation - Eve
Owned by Absolut and Dallas -Pointed from the Puppy classes!

Absolut Playmate - Bunny
Owned by Ann Nicholson and Kelly Multiple Sweepstakes winner and pointed from the Puppy classes!

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Absolut Original - Adam
Owned by Absolut and lives with Dallas

Absolutini - Splash
Owned by Absolut and lives with Kelly



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