(Jurjen 303 X Weitskje B-mv Jillis)
Remington was purchased as an unbroken four-year-old in 2001. A sport horse type Friesian, Remi has excelled in the Dressage ring with many year end awards including three National Silver Stirrup Awards and Grand Champion Silver Stirrup Lower Level Dressage Horse of 2004. Julie and Remi were Reserve Champion AA Training Level at the USDF Region 2 Finals as well as being the USDF 1st place FHANA and Performance Horse Registry AA Training Level and 2nd place FHANA Open First Level for 2004. Remingtons fabulous teddy bear temperament makes him a joy to ride and compete with.For more photo's of Remington and show results CLICK HERE
Alta Von Reh
(Ouke 313 X Rachelle-mv Daen)
Alta was our first Friesian, purchased in 2000 as a weanling. Alta also became our first "Star" Mare in 2003 with high scores from the Dutch Judges including an "8" on her walk and an "8" on her trot. Alta started her training under saddle in 2004 and has competed at the Intro Level at USDF shows with several scores of over 70%. We are looking forward to Alta continuing her show career with occasional breaks for motherhood.
For more photo's of Alta and show results CLICK HERE
(Erik 351 X Nynke Marije-mv Nicholaas)
Inke is the first Friesian we have raised from foaling. In 2003 as a yearling she earned a First Premie and Champion Mare at the Atlanta Keuring over many beautiful Friesian Mares. Inkes sire Erik is an accomplished dressage horse showing at Fourth Level and Prix St. George in the US in 2004. Her dam, Marije, earned scores in the 70-80% range at the Intro Level during her short sport career. Inke will begin conditioning and in hand training this spring. We are looking forward to presenting her to the Dutch judges at the 2005 Keurings.
For more photo's of Inke CLICK HERE